Verteidigungsnachrichten: Die ukrainischen F-16-Kampfjets fangen offenbar erstmals russische Raketen ab

Verteidigungsnachrichten: Die ukrainischen F-16-Kampfjets fangen offenbar erstmals russische Raketen ab

  1. Looks like someone’s frequent flier miles just got a little more exciting!

  2. Since we are retiring the T-38, why not give it a compact modern radar, aim-9s, 20mm gun for use as a drone/cruise missile hunter? UKR needs numbers in the sky and the T-38/F-5 are cheap to operate and reliable. We’ve trained over 70K pilots on it so it’s gotta be easy to fly.

  3. Fuck Putin. All the US armaments from the 1950’s -2001 would be focused on countering Russia. Send it all

  4. Ukraine’s newly acquired F-16 fighter jets have successfully intercepted Russian **cruise missiles**, marking their first aerial victories.

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