“So apparently Russians in the Kursk region have done something to poison the water of the river Seym, which flows down into Ukraine…”

“So apparently Russians in the Kursk region have done something to poison the water of the river Seym, which flows down into Ukraine…”

by CKF

  1. That is a very good tactic. ‘Hey Ivan – I have an idea. Just poison the water UKR suffer.’. And how about your own people….

  2. Well, the chemicals from the munitions and the wrecked vehicles can’t be any good for the water quality.

  3. I seen someone else mention this somewhere else but I agree. Russia is stuck in pre-historic times, the mindset the mentality, the shit people like Putin do.

  4. They were evil to themselves before the war, so it comes as no surprise they would commit crimes against humanity and nature as well.

  5. This is the behaviour of a slave nation where only a few rich people sit at the top.

    It makes me very happy and warm inside to know Putin will be remembered as an awful leader – and eventually Russia will see that too when all of his deceit and abuse comes to light (to the indoctrinated)

  6. I am sure their water treatment facilities are not operational so just bottle the Seym water and give it back to them as aid.

  7. Ukraine should use that water to make vodka and stock up the Rusdian stores with it

  8. Even the Nazis didn’t go that far. They’ve sunk to New depths. The place needs to be over run and the criminals in charge need their own Nuremberg trial

  9. Fucking scumbags, all of them. These subhuman Bolshevik/Vatnik scum need to be taught a lesson in violence, once and for all.

    Genocide, ecocide, mass killings and rape, state sponsored terrorisim, the list goes on and the world as usual sits on they’re collective asses and do nothing. The world body of the useless U.N. and other governments won’t lift a finger. Rwanda, Syria, what those little commie bastards in the PRC are doing to the Uyghurs. N. Korea and how can we forget the disentigration of Yugoslavia after Tito kicked the bucket. The list goes on. Humanity can do better and not a fucking finger is lifted.

    It’s gotta stop somewhere and Ukraine is the place where the motherfucking Russian war machine hits the brakes and throws in the towel. Enough is enough, give the Ukrainians the green light and let them light up Motherfucking Russia and teach those drunk fucks a lesson to remember.

  10. Okay, time to cut russia off from the civilized world. It was a wild run, but you gotta go…

  11. “We should not have stopped at Berlin. We should have pushed straight to Moscow.” – General George S. Patton.
    They should have listened.

  12. this is chemical warfare applied indiscriminately to swathes of civilians and non combatants.
    its usings WMDs , a war crime , a terror action and yet not crossing any red lines for the west huh.

    ukraine is being pushed into more and more unconventional and desperate tactics the longer this war lasts . if they cant strike effectively with the weapons they have it is guaranteed they will strike deeper into russia, unconventionally and more and more broadly with less concern for collateral damage as they have less to lose.

    the west will have nobody to blame but itself when a fucking dirty bomb goes off in front of the kremlin.

  13. At some point, Ukraine is going to stockpile enough weapons that they will say fuck you to US and other government restrictions and just fire away at the orcs, consequences be damned.

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