More Americans want the US to stay the course in Ukraine as long as it takes [Brookings Institution; SSRS Poll]

More Americans want the US to stay the course in Ukraine as long as it takes [Brookings Institution; SSRS Poll]

More Americans want the US to stay the course in Ukraine as long as it takes

by jakderrida

  1. This republican is voting for anyone that stands with Ukraine. Trump and Vance have been more than vocal that funds dry up if they are elected. NATO needs to be stronger than ever. Trump isn’t for a strong NATO.

  2. People need to understand supporting Ukraine is supported by both sides in the US and that even the Republicans talking about ending Ukraine aid know its an unpopular sentiment with their base. They were simply using it as a bludgeon to attack Biden’s spending, and they have already for the most part abandoned the position.

  3. No, I am done with this. Send in the 101st, mobilize the 1st Armored and shuttle them to POMCUS sites, forward fighter wings (including the 355th with A10s),and drive Russia out of Ukraine. Soon enough, Putin will have the third best military in Ukraine.

    It’s time we help our friends.

  4. As an American, if it was up to me, I’d have never done the escalation appeasement crap that some countries are still doing. Day 1 I’d try to give Ukraine ***EVERYTHING*** except for nukes of course lol.

  5. Why does any American care about this war? A Ukrainian victory means nothing for the US, and the same can be said of a Russian victory. The only ones who stand to gain besides Russia and Ukraine are Central Europe (Germany, Austria, etc) and Poland. Beyond them, it’s generally a nothing burger.

  6. This American doesn’t want to stay the course. I want us to get off this trickle of supplies course and give Ukraine everything it needs with no restrictions. Putin can suck it.

  7. Independent that leans very conservative but I will not back anyone who doesn’t back Ukraine

  8. The price of being a self-proclaimed beacon of freedom, democracy and liberty is that you have to walk the walk from time to time.

  9. Yes. A strong majority of Americans across the political spectrum sympathize more with Ukraine than Russia in the ongoing war: 62% of respondents express more sympathy with Ukraine than Russia, including 58% of Republicans and 76% of Democrats. Good news. #ReversingTrump.

  10. I don’t just want them to stay the course. I want MORE weapons to be sent AND I want to loosen the restrictions on how they are used.

    Let’s let the Ukrainians finish this. Push the Russians OUT!

  11. Success breeds support. Which makes the Administration’s unforgivable to do so with even a modicum of adequacy even more galling.

    But oh yes, that’s right…they want to be able to “negotiate” with Moscow’s fascist regime afterwards.

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