‘Ridiculous Con Man’: Internet Trashes ‘Weirdo’ Trump For ‘Fleecing His Fans’ With New Collection of NFT Cards Depicting Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist, Boxer

‘Ridiculous Con Man’: Internet Trashes ‘Weirdo’ Trump For ‘Fleecing His Fans’ With New Collection of NFT Cards Depicting Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist, Boxer

‘Ridiculous Con Man’: Internet Trashes ‘Weirdo’ Trump For ‘Fleecing His Fans’ With New Collection of NFT Cards Depicting Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist, Boxer

Posted by inewser

  1. These must be for the felon’s russian and chinese friends to “buy” because even magas are not stupid enough to keep buying this worthless shit.

  2. He says the country is “unlike ever before, at its worse financially” and yet he makes sure to try to sell yet another product – $99 per card (of his edited self & other things). MAGAs & Evangelicals when are you going to see this man for who he really is?

  3. Remember when dumabsses were buying NFTs left and right for insane amounts of money? 


  4. Russian billionaires and Saudis are slapping all their wives on the way to their wallets to buy this shit up!

  5. Who is calling him all these wonderful names that he keeps throwing around? The voices inside his head don’t count. With all his alleged supporters showing up in record numbers as he claims, how is it possible to not have any evidence of anyone complimenting him?

  6. Ya know my jobs in Healthcare, if a 78 year old shitting his pants, insulting everyone and talking complete non sense he’d be transfered with out delay to a locked memory care unit with drs okay of course..drumpf possible belongs either in jail or memory care unit..

  7. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the Republican candidate for president of the United States. Classy.

  8. In the immortal words of Donald Trump (probably): “A fool and their money are SOME PAR-TAY!!!”

  9. And this guy says the economy is fucked yet wants his supporters to spend all their money on his stupid shit. Fuck him.
    I seriously can’t understand why anyone supports him. Mind boggling.

  10. A sleazy huckster, selling cheesy garbage to rubes, dullards, hicks, hayseed, dolts, disaffected weirdos and easy marks. This is who he’s always been. Bottled water, vodka, cologne, steaks, casinos, books, MLM schemes, TV shows, it’s all just crappy junk designed to exploit envy over the amazing billionaire wizard’s incredible billionaire lifestyle, to give the marks the opportunity to bask in his light, and be like him for a moment.

  11. Younger generations are finding out about the trouble the orange turd brings to the world.

  12. Forget about the stupid nfts. If you’re dumb enough to buy those, you deserve what you get.

    It’s the love bomb, super frequent scam emails he blasts every day to his cult members. They feature them on Midas Touch every day and they’re absolutely evil and manipulative. Especially for the older trumpets that are losing touch with reality. They even style the emails to look old and familiar

  13. Where is pedo Trump nft? Wife beater Trump? Money launderer Trump? Foreign country bribed Trump? Poor and disabled supporters looking at Trump as he grimaces? Incest Trump? Trump waving at nobody? Luxury restroom Trump as he forces his way on a woman and sexually assaults her? Classified documents Trump copying and sending them to his buyers? Trump walking in on teen beauty pageants? (Special Bonus cards)–Alligators and mines in the Rio Grande Trump? Trump setting off a nuke in a hurricane? Bleach injected crowd Trump? Drinking champagne as he counts his money and his aides show him dismembered Khasshoggi pics Trump?

  14. Some people just cannot get enough of him. For us over here, we’re pretty much done now. A decade of that face and voice appearing every time you open a browser, turn a TV, or radio. The sob never shuts up and has something stupid to say about absolutely fucking everything. Just go away. Jesus Christ enough is enough.

  15. This is embarrassing . Why are they humiliating themselves like this ?

    Couldn’t catch me hating a group of people so much I would debase myself buying this trash from anyone let alone someone so vile

  16. If you’re dumb enough to buy these and can afford to buy them then I guess Bidenomics is working out for you after all!

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