Rogue South London landlord has 18 properties seized after months of disrepair

Rogue South London landlord has 18 properties seized after months of disrepair

by Empty_Sherbet96

  1. *Despite being granted the powers to seize privately rented properties given to them via s102 of the Housing Act in 2004, this is the first time Merton has sought to use them. However, according to Councillor Andrew Judge, Merton Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainable Development, this is all set to change.*

    This bit in particular is mental. I can’t believe all this time councils could seize properties from rogue landlords and just… don’t? I don’t condone seizing property generally but all this time landlords could face real consequences for treating their tenants like shit and councils just choose not to even when it would benefit tenants and the council itself?

  2. I mean, i’ll take one of your hands. You don’t even have to pay me. Who wants the other 17?

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