Korea will ab 2025 alle zwei Wochen eine 4-Tage-Woche einführen

Korea will ab 2025 alle zwei Wochen eine 4-Tage-Woche einführen


  1. >(Translated using Google)
    Starting this year, the 4-day workweek system has been introduced primarily by large corporations, and work-life balance is spreading among office workers.

    > Gyeonggi Province will also introduce a 4.5-day workweek on a trial basis starting next year, centered on public institutions under its jurisdiction.

    > The union also has some regrets about the selection of targets, but overall, it welcomes the move.

    > This is reporter Seo Seung-taek reporting.

    > There are three main ways to shorten working hours that Gyeonggi Province will pilot starting next year.

    > You can decide on one of the following through labor-management agreements: a 4-day workweek every other week, a 35-hour workweek, or a half-day workweek every Friday.

    > The target is 50 private companies and some public companies in the province that are willing to voluntarily participate in the introduction of flexible working hours.

    > Gyeonggi Province plans to support wages for reduced working hours.

    > <Kim Dong-yeon / Gyeonggi Province Governor> “As time goes by, we live in a society where fewer and fewer people are working and more and more people are not working. In order to make the 4.5-day workweek project a national agenda, Gyeonggi Province is planning to implement it first.”

    > When Gyeonggi Province announced its plan to shorten working hours, the civil servant union welcomed it.

    > <Kang Sun-ha / Chairman of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government Employees’ Union> “First of all, from the union’s perspective, we welcome the pilot project to reduce optional working hours without wage cuts.”

    > However, concerns that the scope of implementation is limited and that the number of channels for complainants will inevitably decrease are issues that need to be addressed.

    > <Kang Soon-ha / Chairman of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government Employees’ Union> “It is regrettable that the pilot project is limited to only some people, but I hope that this will be used as a basis to supplement practical issues and spread to all levels of society in the near future.”

    > Attention is focused on whether Gyeonggi Province’s push to implement a 4.5-day workweek will be able to expand and spread beyond public institutions’ work productivity and innovation of a new organizational culture to private companies.

  2. I worked that schedule in the early ’90s, as a 9-80 deal. You did your 80 hours for the two weeks in nine days, so that you had a three-day weekend every other week. Soon the two-day weekends seemed too short! But not a bad idea, frankly

  3. It seems so weird: We’re all looking for work/life balance.

    Society has to keep happening, which requires us going to work.

    But we also have be to happy to be alive, which requires not dedicating our whole lives to making our rich bosses more wealthy.

  4. In Australia our company has a 9 day fortnight. With every second Friday off, noting we work 10 days worth of hours over the 9 days.

  5. Good.

    Too bad they work 1563 hours per day tho 🙁

    And after that you need to go outside for a drink with your boss because the loser has no friends

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