Liz Truss wanted to sign eye-watering energy deal that would have cost bill-payers £30bn extra

Liz Truss wanted to sign eye-watering energy deal that would have cost bill-payers £30bn extra

by masterblaster0

  1. What’s most dangerous about this airhead is not how dangerous she is/was, it’s how completely, obliviously, **unaware** of how dangerous she is/was.

    It’s like someone made a human figure out of plastic bags and sellotape. Inflated it with horse farts and air let out of warm tyres and added a few bits of dryer fluff and dandelion seeds. Sealed it up, and let it go to just bounce around willy-nilly on the breeze.

    Her sheer level of conviction that she is right, that she knows what she’s doing, that she somehow knows better than experts in various fields she makes pronouncements in… it boggles the fucking mind.

  2. *LOOK LOOK everyone ignore what Labour is doing and remember Liz truss bad!”

    Nah not falling for it.

  3. Well, that article had everything. The image of Jacob Rees Mogg making ‘passionate’ advances on Truss to displace Kwarteng in her political favours is not something I had anticipated encountering outside of some sort of Götterdämmerungen scenario. Thank you, Independent, for those nightmares.

    The Truss premiership was a proper ‘world turned upside down’ moment, wasn’t it? Where do they find these people?

    I think whoever is in charge of the AI that is generating this reality really needs to turn down the temperature parameter. It’s getting a bit silly now.

  4. >Speaking about Donald Trump at a political event, a banner unfurled behind her to reveal and lettuce above the words ‘I crashed the economy.’ **Ms Truss said the ruse was “not funny.”**

    Yet another thing she was wrong about

  5. Anyone else notice how much Liz hate there is recently? I’m not saying she was competent in any sense of the word. But this sub feels like it’s turning into “well they were really bad at this so it’s okay for me to be bad at whatever because at least I’m not as bad as them” He’s gonna drop a bombshell soon and use Liz as his punching bag because it’s easy points(btw I in no way support Liz Truss, in terms of English history, she’s the little bits on your paper after you rubbed out a spelling mistake)

  6. Nothing she’s trying to do that hasn’t been done by predecessors and just wanted to join in.

  7. I’m becoming of the opinion she is financially illiterate, innumerate, incapable. I wonder what the grift is.

  8. The madness can’t have started when she became PM. it may be worth revisiting the damage she will have wrecked in previous posts. After all she was also:

    – parliamentary under-secretary of state for childcare and education from 2012 to 2014
    – Cameron appointed her secretary of state for the environment, food and rural affairs.
    – Theresa May, appointed her secretary of state for justice and lord chancellor, (In the aftermath of the 2017 general election she was demoted to chief secretary to the Treasury).
    – Johnson appointed Truss secretary of state for international trade and president of the Board of Trade in July and subsequently to the additional role of minister for women and equalities in September.
    – Johnson promoted Truss to foreign secretary in the 2021 cabinet reshuffle

  9. Well drivers can go to jail and receive unlimited fine even if they don’t crash ( in theory atleast ), this one crashed the entire economy and still no one seems to hold her responsible for the disastrous decisions she made

    And it was not like no one told her that the outcome of her actions will be a disaster either

  10. She’s literally one of the stupidest people in this country, which is massively impressive given the intelligence of the average member of the public.

    But, the real problem is the party, membership and voters that forced this cretin on the public. They should forever be ashamed, mocked and nowhere near any responsibility ever again.

  11. As someone who grew up in south Wales in the 1980s Thatcher was *bad*. Looking back after Truss and Johnson, she looks like a reasonable, community-mined socialist in comparison….

    From empirical evidence, Tories get increasingly more bat-shit insane over time.

    Truss might not be peak insanity yet….

  12. Yes, it would have cost the tax payer £30 billion, but just look at how much it would have made the energy companies in profit

  13. Amazingly she still has supporters who want her back! Anyone who follows politics knew how breathtakingly stupid she was in all her run up posts. She was made pm for her thatcher cosplay!

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