Ireland is drinking less

Ireland is drinking less

by atdoru

  1. Irish people are drinking 31% less per capita than they were in 2001. The country has a reputation for enjoying a drink, but that reputation is increasingly ill-deserved: as in many Western countries, younger people in Ireland drink much less than their older peers.

    One bar manager told the BBC that boys coming in “for two pints before… playing a football match” is a thing of the past.

    The change is attributed to health consciousness, cost, and options such as actually drinkable non-alcoholic beers: The sale of zero-alcohol beer in Ireland has doubled in four years to 2% of the market, despite lagging behind the European Union average of 7%.


  2. Zoomers all over the world drink and smoke significantly less than previous generations, it’s a global trend.

  3. Booze is much more expensive these days. Also, youngsters aren’t into the sesh as much as the older generations.

  4. It’s become too expensive to drink a lot in Ireland. It must be very difficult for alcoholics since the price increases. I’d bet their diets have gotten a lot worse since they’ll have to go without food to afford their drinking.

  5. inflammation by introducing a toxin into your body on a regular basis…

    catches up to you when you’re old.

  6. Little gimps too busy staring into their little phone screens wasting their lives

  7. I was in Ireland around the early 90’s for some weeks as part of my work. I was really impressed by the amount of alcohol consumed by the irish workers. Holy Mozes!

    My deep respect for our Irish friends.

  8. Italy used to have about double the alcohol consumption compared to the US. Now it’s lower since about the turn of the millennium.

    The Netherlands has increased the drinking age to 18 and since then they also consume less than the US.

  9. Considering recent scientific data shows the safe amount of alcohol consumption is 0, yeah I’m not surprised.

  10. Even 11L a year is insanely high for a population average, imo. If I did my calculation correctly that’s over 2 bottles of beer a day.

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