Women attacked by man in broad daylight in Bradford

Women attacked by man in broad daylight in Bradford


Posted by TimGJ1964

  1. You’d think that if it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck and it looks like a duck, it must be a duck, but no, our glorious British justice thinks is misogyny. What a joke of a country!

  2. To quote the Manic Street Preachers

    “If you tolerate this, then your children will be next”

    I am glad I am of an age where I will be dead in 20 years.

  3. Can we call it what it is? This is religious zealotry that should be stopped. Those poor women.

  4. Exactly why the law on extremism is being looked at to include misogynistic behaviour. It was branded as being to identify incel behaviour but really it means police have broader powers to deal with this sort of thing coming from these hateful ‘men’.

  5. Should be given a criminal sentence that makes an example of him, not that soft as piss one.

  6. LOL sexist attitude towards the women led the guy to attack them and abuse them to dress conservatively. Nothing to do with religion at all, is there? Why are we all so scared to say what all this really is? This is the UK not fucking Arabia where women have to dress conservatively to please all these religious zealots.

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