I think it’s weird that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. cut the head off a dead whale and tied it to the top of his car and drove 5 hours with it. But it’s not as weird as endorsing Trump.

I think it’s weird that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. cut the head off a dead whale and tied it to the top of his car and drove 5 hours with it. But it’s not as weird as endorsing Trump.

Posted by traverlaw

  1. man next time someone says “that RFK Jr got some skeletons in his closet” cops need to go look in his closets

  2. Who’s weirdest, the serial creature slayer or the serial rapist, adulterer, business failure, and defrauder, Jeffrey Epstein buddy? Personally, I’d have to go with the weird animal creep!

  3. Who knew how resonant Colbert’s repeated “whale!” Trump interjection would end up being?

  4. Whale head mutilation, bear cub corpse play, rumors of eating dogs, that croaky ass voice… I think this creep is a ligit lizard person.

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