C’est bizarre

C’est bizarre

by DasGlasperlenspiel5

  1. Driving towards a cliff and hope to invent a break on the way. What could potentially go wrong.

  2. I did a quick google search. **€0.4020 per KWh**


    I pay €0.13/kwh and I’m on the most expensive company. 💀

  3. Are we just doing a Germany-nuclear thread every single week now?
    Can we just start linking all the arguments for/against from the last thread or would that be too bot-like?

    At this pace we are all going to become internet experts on nuclear reactors.

  4. This is Z a propaganda pic. I’ve seen it before. We definitely invest in renewable energy. Sure, relying on russian gas was ultra stupid, but the myth that Germany can’t survive without it is a narrative that comes directly from the halls of the Kremlin.

  5. I like the drawing. That’s how I always imagined East and West Germany, I just never knew.

  6. Tell me, how much did the construction cost of the Olkiluoto PP overrun? Just about 8 billions, right?

  7. You could remove yourself from the European Union now that would be really stupid

  8. Okay I acknowledge that we are regarded as a nation, but did you really have to post this with a title in fucking Fr*nch, Aino?

  9. The socialist party in Sweden acctualy suggested that we should cut of the grid share cabels with germany during winters because its not in the intrest of the swedish people to pay 0.5€ kwh just because Hans destroyed their base load capacity.

  10. Doesnt Invest in renewable Energies? I feel Like this is Just bait Like 90% of Posts about Germany

  11. What I don’t get is how we just accepted that Ukraine the guys who are holding in because we allow it, just got away with sabotageing one of the most expensive and life critical infrastructure projects of Europe their supposed ally.

  12. >>import lot of immigrants, particular groups noone else wants

    >>have history of letting unwanted minorities “disappear” in funny showers and ovens
    >still have plenty of bio mass and/or waste incineration plants

    OH Scheiße, they are on to us


  13. This post is braindead as every second German in the east who votes for Putin – sorry, i mean afd.

  14. Wrong, most likely Russian Propaganda. Germany is experiencing a record high production of electricity by renewables. Germany is well on its way to be by far the largest producer of renewable energy in Europe

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