This is the one thing all Europeans can agree on

This is the one thing all Europeans can agree on

by stolvermare

  1. American was a mistake.

    The earth is round

    Wine is best from the south of Europe.

    Belgium don’t exist

    Pigs are lazy broke people..

    And the list goes on of all the hate that unite us!

    And of course Sweden is wrong.

  2. I actually didn’t know a long time what Gypsies are. When I mentioned to a Greek friend that I’ve just learned about them because they are not common in Germany (mostly they chill in front of drug stores and ask for money) he complained about them stealing a lot in Greece and that they are a serious problem. And about Turks.

  3. That’s Russian monarchist flag, not fascist one. To get fascist you should just use the current one.

  4. Sweden needed soldiers in the 18th century so we enlisted gypsies and sent them to Finland which resulted in Finland having the largest gypsy community in Northern Europe to this day.


  5. In Spain some of the best flamenco singers and guitarists are gypsies so we “somewhat” tolerate them

  6. I remember when I went to Romania for work and I talked with Romanianq coworker about roms people. They spend 10minutes telling about how this people were awfull and ruinning everyone’s lives, chances and opinion about Romania around the world and that they should be banned. Like… you could not stop him and other joindre him. Like… okay people I get it.

  7. Gypsies have started to fight the moors, so now we have two untouchable communities fighting each other for the crime supremacy

  8. Absolute scratters who will steal anything that isn’t nailed down, and apparently British gypsies are tame compared to the ones from Eastern Europe.

  9. Ngl purely from a design point of view some of these flags look nice. Another reason to hate the nazis is that they took so many cool designs and now you can’t use them without looking like a nazi

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