SNP: Labour cuts will ‘fundamentally damage’ Scottish public services

SNP: Labour cuts will ‘fundamentally damage’ Scottish public services

by GlanAgusTreun

  1. The full conversion to red-toryism has now been unveiled. It is up to us to recognise it.

    Labour’s “austerity-max” has now come out fully loaded to be deeply inserted into the Westminster zeitgeist. The New Labour values of cost-cutting, budget hoarding and overt privatisation are now penetrating every level of UK government, to then be forced onto a non-consenting Scottish ‘devolved’ government.

    Our devolved rights have been stripped away, leaving us bare for Westminster plundering. Each time they lunge at our natural resources, vulnerable taxpayers and hard-earned services, they chip away at our core socialist identity and leave an empty shell of what was once a proud country.

    We have to stand up to them.

    We have to say NO.

    And the best way to say NO to the Westminster Red Tories is to say YES to independence.

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