Bericht: Vereinigte Arabische Emirate setzen Vertrag zum Kauf von Kampfjets aus Frankreich wegen der Verhaftung des Telegram-CEOs aus

Bericht: Vereinigte Arabische Emirate setzen Vertrag zum Kauf von Kampfjets aus Frankreich wegen der Verhaftung des Telegram-CEOs aus

  1. I mean if they’re going to take Russia’s side, it’s actually better that we cancel that regardless no? And if they’re not, then trying to interfere with France’s judiciary system just to attempt to cover up the potential crimes of a Russian oligarch is a very stupid move.

  2. Too bad, these airplanes actually started selling really well for some reason. Lots of people want to buy airplanes right now for some reason.

  3. Since day 1 I had a feeling UAE was a turncoat.

    They never wanted to normalize relations with Isreal, they just did it to cater to the western society.

    Meanwhile executions are still rampant in UAE.

  4. Apparently president macron invited him to have dinner… then arrested him on arrival. Some politicians already come out and said that sounds like something macron would do. If that’s the case then it’s a very poor look on France.

  5. They can do nothing in the face of the independence of justice.
    France is a democratic country

  6. Hope France will not bow to UAE’s blatant attempt to influence arrest of Telegram CEO.

  7. Sell them to Ukraine instead. I’m sure the US and its allies can pick up the bill.

  8. Let’s be honest, the west probably shouldn’t be arming the UAE given all the absolute bullshit their currently up to. 

  9. Do they realize that there are countries in the world where the government does not control the justice system 100 %?

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