The Moscow puppet media in the West are trying to ease the sanctions pressure on the Russia, blaming Putin personally for the war. At the same time, they claim that “ordinary” citizens of the Russia who supports Putin and the war, and even take part in it, should not suffer from the sanctions.

The Moscow puppet media in the West are trying to ease the sanctions pressure on the Russia, blaming Putin personally for the war. At the same time, they claim that “ordinary” citizens of the Russia who supports Putin and the war, and even take part in it, should not suffer from the sanctions.

by Rich-Annual5511

  1. All the Russki cadavers in Ukraine look pretty ordinary to me. Are they not responsible? So do the civilians cursing the “Hohols” on TV and YT channels. Did they not have a part in Putlers rise to absolute power? Same goes for the “apolitical” ones: Aren’t they responsible for their decision to remain passive facing unspeakable crimes commited by their leader?

  2. I’ve seen too many videos of the average Russian civilian advocating for the genocide of Ukrainian men, women, and children to have even an iota of sympathy for any Russian at this point. I still remember the atrocities they committed in Bucha…the atrocities they still commit in Ukraine everywhere they go, and with the full support of their populace!

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