Gang forged more than 2,000 marriage certificates to allow Nigerians to live in the UK illegally

Gang forged more than 2,000 marriage certificates to allow Nigerians to live in the UK illegally

by ParkedUpWithCoffee

  1. So the at least 2000 people who are here fraudulently will be tracked down and deported right?

  2. Honestly, the marriage certificate is a “minor thing” in order to obtain the spouse visa. There are plenty of countries where you can marry in less than 24 hours. Hell, you can even marry through zoom!

    That’s why the spouse visa also requests plenty of proof of genuine relationship.

  3. No mention of deportation or going after the benefactors of this scheme. How does that deter others?

  4. Never mind the forged certificates, the culture of arranged marriage in some countries means marriage is in many cases just a financial transaction, ie if one party is British, his/her market value in the marriage is really high and hte other party’s family will stump up in order to get the marriage and spousal visa.

    These Nigerians would’ve flown under the radar much more easy if they’d just focused on arranged marriages for cash, basically not so much illegality and less likely to get caught.

    Also if marriage certs can be forged then anything else can as well, including educational qualifications (which won’t be scrutinised as much). Might want to check up on who’s working in the health and care sector.

  5. Deportations will follow right? Of course they won’t they’ll be just let loose like the millions of others here illegally, it’s a joke.

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