Parking clarification

Does this mean anyone can park at these spots on weekdays (Mon – sat) between 09:00 and 20:00 or only people with the Parkausweis J can park between on weekdays (Mon – sat) between 09:00 and 20:00?

In such boards, is the lowest sign a condition on the main sign or the sign above itself?

Thanks in advance!

by Adhicr

  1. if i remeber correctly, this means that the parking lots are reseverd for residents with the parking document J. the sign with 9-20 h says that from Monday til Saturday from 09:00 until 20:00, only residents with the parking document J are allowed to park there. You can park there befor 09:00 and after 20:00 but have to leave for the time span on that sign.

  2. The limitation for the parking spots to people with the Parkausweis J is valid on workdays between 9:00 and 20:00. People without the Parkausweis may use the spots outside of these times (so on workdays beween 20:00 and 9:00 and Sundays).

    > In such boards, is the lowest sign a condition on the main sign or the sign above itself?

    Usually the latter.

  3. >In such boards, is the lowest sign a condition on the main sign or the sign above itself?

    You can not know for sure. Because every city does it different.

    But in this case it makes no real difference.

    If the time is a condition of the first additional sign.. then only residents can park here from 9-20h

    If it is a condition of the main sign.. the main sign is only valid from 9-20h which will have the same outcome. As the sign is basically not present at other times everyone can park there (EXCEPT without the sign parking would not be allowed which is in 99% not the case.)

  4. As a general rule, each explanation plate is separate.

    So technically it is:

    * parking is only for residents
    * parking only allowed only Mon-Sat 9-20.

    But it makes no sense. Realistically parking is reserved to permit holders between 9-20.

    You can seek further clarification in r/StVO

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