Russia gains territory in Ukraine as Zelensky loses troops & armored vehicles in Kursk | Top Stories

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it absolutely clear that there cannot be any talks with Kiev after its attack on Russia’s Kursk Region.
But as Ukraine nurses the ambition to takeover more Russian territory, Russian troops are advancing in Ukraine. Russia has reportedly taken over Viyemka railway station in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day along with ARTEMOVO, one of the largest Russian gains in recent weeks. Russian troops are also inching close to logistics hub Pokrovsk, as Ukraine has ordered evacuations in the region.
In Russia’s Kursk region, during the past day, Ukraine lost more than 330 troops and 27 armoured vehicles.
Is KIEV losing more on its home turf than it could gain inside Russia as Russian troops continue to advance inside Ukraine and pound Ukrainian troops in Kursk?
WION’s Shivan Chanana discusses with Brussels based, International affairs analyst Dr. Gilbert Doctorow on Game Plan.

#russiaukrainewar #russia #kursk

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  1. Russia, China, Iran none of them can't beat the MIGHTY USA, they all need to sit back take a deep breath
    and reconnect with reality, Israel with the help of the USA will destroy every country in the middle east with

  2. I think what we in the West is finally understanding about Putin is his so-called red lines are illusionary. Russia can’t do anything about Ukraine in Kursk, and it won’t do anything if the West allows Ukraine to use western weaponry in Russia.

  3. Yeah- if Russia is so powerful and it's army is so great, why this "operation" has lasted almost 3 years? Let us have more of those ridiculous news from you, I'm laughing my ass of here..😂😂😂

  4. You are a biased reporter that favor Russia as India is generally doing and shake hands with a murderer. Which side are you on? Or you care only about the money?

  5. lol we been saying this since Ukraine evaded Kursk lol why???? Because they tryed taking Kursk nuclear power plant and they didn’t even get close and now they saying it’s “creating a barer Zone” what a crock of shit lol Ukraine is a terrorist state, people who support zalenskyy have no idea who they are supporting

  6. All of this would have not happened if the West would stay out of other's politics.

    Why did NATO, EU, the US started installing itself at the borders of Russia.
    If Russia started building troops near Alaska or any European country; they would have also feel threatened and woupd attack Russia.

    All of the wars are because of the West. They like killing others to advance themselves.

  7. Ukrainians and world peace NEED Russia to win in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is bigger than Russia and Ukraine. It's a proxy war between a corrupt and inhumane NATO-US alliance (whose masters are the global banking system which enslaves people and countries) against the fast-growing BRICS countries who stand for countries sovereignty and individual freedom with a fair banking and financial system.

    Russia happens to be a leader in BRICS and that makes it the enemy of our globalist enslaving system (WEF, Bank for International Settlements, IMF… ). They control Western media, our finances, our politicians and our institutions, all the way to the Supreme Court. BRICS is the answer. BRICS is the kryptonite to the enslaving globalist agenda of human enslavement. So the goal becomes to weaken Russia to break BRICS but it is failing: Russia is winning.

    Russia is stronger than ever before. Russia single-handedly defeated a US-NATO alliance. This war is over. Prolonging it only causes more death on both side and more territories losses for Ukraine. Russia is producing more ammunition and equipment a month than the entire US-NATO group does in a year. Let that sink in. Russia is also is mobilizing ten times more VOLUNTEERS a month (not kidnapping them like in Ukraine or having) than the entire US-NATO alliance, while recruit numbers have been falling for US-NATO (nobody wants to fight and dies while on the wrong side of history).

    We are on the wrong side of history when we give more money for Ukraine to prolong its suffering, more money for Israel to keep its genocide going in Gaza, more money for Taiwan so they antagonize China. The day you understand that our Western institutions have been infiltrated and compromised by entities who DO NOT have the best interest of humanity at heart, is the day your start understanding geopolitics. Your kids, my kids, our kids will be grateful for Russia and BRICS to win against a demonic and enslaving globalist agenda and its US-NATO arm.

  8. Russia underestimated the extent of Ukraine's foolishness, as instead of trying to stop the advance of Russian forces in the Donbas, Ukraine threw all its reserves into an attack on the Kursk region. There were no Russian troops there. Ukrainian forces took advantage of this in the early days of the offensive and occupied Russian territories. However, Russia then transferred its reserves to this region and halted the Ukrainian advance. Ukraine does not have the strength to continue the offensive. It doesn't even have the strength to hold these territories for a long time. The Russians are grinding down the enemy's equipment and manpower. Ukraine has already lost about 500 units of equipment (already more than in its failed offensive in the summer of 2023). If this continues, it will soon lose all of its military equipment.

  9. This video is an excellent example of how you disguise an opinion to make it look like real news: not even one fact stated by that man has any evidence to support it: no videos, pictures, testimonies, or interviews from people shown on the battlefield. I'd like to know in what way this interview is any less biased and different from what some Western media do.

  10. NATO and American are the big problem to the world but many don't understand it the are war creatures and they are big thieves, they will create terroris a war and they thieves more

  11. Modi came to visit and told Z what the business after the camera was off. If you have ever been talked to by a elite indian you know they dont yell they just Make everything one sentence.

  12. Zelensky need to be arrested he is killing Ukrainian
    He is losing war and he take war to Russia think he will win he will not do nothing Zelensky is killing Ukrainian he must ne arrested

  13. Qui peut m'expliquer ?
    Pourkwa malgré avions de guerre occidentaux, millions d'obus, milliers de blindés derniers cris léopards, guépards, tigres 🐯 panthères, challengers, réputés féroces, missiles storm shadow, Himars,Canons Caesars français, centaines de milliards dollars, armée de télés propagandistes français com LCI, BFMTV, etc, conseillers militaires et drones OTAN, 40 pays contre Russie, milliers de sanctions,Occident USA en tête incapables d récupérer le pauvre Dombass ccupé par Poutine🤔qui parvient malgré tous les efforts de cette armada de tous les occidentaux à conquérir chaque jour des territoires et même créer en plus la panique chez les alliés qui voient leurs blindés brûler et fuir l’armée russe ?????

  14. Recently, Pavel Kushnir died in a Russian prison, after the criminal current regime in Moscow, prompted his death. After seven hundred thousand Russians killed, this criminal regime continues to deceive its people with lies and murders oposantent. Don't let your country go further into the abyss and protest!

  15. If Russia pulled their troops out of Ukraine, do you think they would leave Russia, and leave Russia alone? (Rhetorical question YES!) This IS PUTINS Terrorist attack (WAR)!

  16. There can be no talks with Ukraine because there is no negotiation with Russia. They dictate terms that have no foundation on reason. Russia is an imperialist mafia regime that truly know no borders.

  17. Russia invading Ukraine's territories while Ukraine invading Russia's territory.

    Looks like there will be a swap of territories in the future for negotiation when Trump wins.

  18. Oh the Russian bots are out today. Not surprising as India plays the part of a puppet of Russia's. As most of the world condemns Russia, trade between India and Russia increases. Not that India has ever had a choice in this matter in the first place, they're too deep in Russia's pocket to back out. Deeper than even Germany was. Sad.

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