Now who’s western European?

Now who’s western European?

by bluedogmilano

  1. We’re now on Essos, the Dothrakis in Ukraine and Bravos is Bordeaux confirmed.


  2. West is just at the top, the cardinal Directions did not change just because you rotated the map.

    We’re still supreme Western Europeans, up your game Luigi

  3. Luigi arguing that Africa is the new Western Europe? I thought you already tried that in the 40″s. Remind me how that went for you again…

    What I’m mostly getting from this picture is that Italy is an appendix. An inflamated one that should best be removed as quickly as possible

  4. Fucking lazy southern Europeans, we in the north always have to work to support them!

  5. PIGS are Western Europe no matter how you orientate the map, Luigi.

    From the Danube and the Rhine they are all savages.

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