Innocent man jailed for 11 years for murder he didn’t commit charged £37,000 for board in prison

Innocent man jailed for 11 years for murder he didn’t commit charged £37,000 for board in prison

by GDW312

  1. Ffs.. surely for a miscarriage of justice they should suck it up. Not like the guilty have to pay rent eh

  2. Seems so petty. They’re compensating him with £600,000 (which is still too low), why not write this off too?

  3. Yes, the cost of housing a wrongfully convicted prisoner comes out of any compensation.

  4. The establishment has always got you by the balls, you only get a pass if you’re part of the Norman elite. The law is for the plebs, justice is not for thee.

  5. When you don’t get a choice of where to reside, or what to eat, sticking you with a bill is a bloody cheek.

  6. I’d back charge it to the police, he was there based on their shitty police work. So why tf should he be held responsible for the costs of his imprisonment .

    £54,500 a year for having your life and liberty stolen is a pittance, the figure should be at least £250k a year, at least that would give him a nestegg to rebuild his life.

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