Russia Relocates 90% of Aircraft to Bases Beyond ATACMS Range

Russia Relocates 90% of Aircraft to Bases Beyond ATACMS Range

by UNITED24Media

  1. Thank you US for helping russian terrorists!! Now your ATACMS are fucking useless! Clowns!

  2. This is actually not a bad development as it may seem;

    More time in the air means more time to be detected by radar, more early warning, and more early landings of those aircraft.

  3. It’s good that Sullivan gave the Russians enough time to prepare. “Security adviser” my ass

  4. Time to start blasting them from ruzzian territory with UA missiles. No ban on that, yes?

  5. Introducing the new Ukrainian cruise missile!

    Now with extra fragmentation for those pesky fields full of aircraft!

  6. Its a good thing. And how embarrassing it is for Russia. Also less time for time to fly CAP or intercept F16s providing air support

  7. I hope the Palianytsia drone rocket production will soon be ready for mass launches on all military targets in Russia. With these important developments can contribute to the tipping point to bring the War further in to Russia.

  8. So Ukraine will be allowed to use them? And someone in the Pentagon called his Russian friends?

  9. When this war’s over, Sullivan should be summoned to a congressional hearing.

    We need a cross-examination of this odd man.

  10. Every decision seems to take so long and is broadcast across the globe so that Russia has all the time in the world to plan and prepare for it. Shocking. Allow Ukraine to operate at the full extent of what international law permits. If that means long range strikes are required then give them what they need.
    NATO is also showing itself to be a sheep in wolfs clothing, especially where missiles have entered NATO air space and they either FEAR or aren’t capable of shooting them down.

  11. Ukraine needs to be able to use ATACMS in Ruzzia

    Though, Ukraine now has its own ballistic missile which it could use

  12. You hear that Biden and Jake? Its ok now, you can announce with all bells and whistles that Ukraine can finaly use long range weapons as much as they like! Make it publicly known that you are standing with Ukraine and that they can defend themselves however they want.

    /s /rant

  13. Good to hear.  Each russian plane will drop less bombs in ukraine now. It will allow their tempo. russia still gaining ground in Ukraine but it’s Navy has been pushed back, now it’s Airforce had been pushed back. Fuel  depots in the theatre being destroyed now too. Hopefully this will prevent any more advances

  14. 90% of their aircraft are not where they want them to be. How is that not a strategic success?

  15. If this were a chess game this is a king safety move. We’ll have to wait to see how it plays out in endgame

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