Recent permitting reforms in Germany have led to a boom in renewable energy capacity

Recent permitting reforms in Germany have led to a boom in renewable energy capacity

by Straight_Ad2258

  1. source: [](

  2. and the trend is just getting started

    permitting for wind power got radically faster and easier this year, in the first half there was an increased in approved onshore wind capacity of 70% compared to last year



    it will take 3-4 years for all of those to get built, but the horses are out of the barn

    solar energy permits got radically easier as well, for small scale under 2 Kwh systems now its possible to do all the paperwork online

  3. It could have happened way earlier but the CDU/CSU and FDP (with the silent approval of the SPD) intentionally kneecapped the entire german Solar and Wind industry a few years back.

  4. What is going on in Spain? Can someone explain their low solar capacities?
    When driving in Germany vs. Spain it’s really a contrast that you hardly see solar in Spain compared to (southern) Germany installed (it noticed it is gradually growing in Spain though).

  5. You can clearly see when the corrupt Spanish politicians killed the renewables sector following the mandate of their owners. Once their owners figured out how to make it profitable, the corrupt Spanish politicians revived it again. And you can clearly see that too.

  6. Thanks to progressive “Ampel”-government.

    Sadly it’s unpopular today and wont survive elections 2025… i guess gernamy will go back to become conservative for the next 16 years again.

  7. The most critical issue going forward will be battery storage. Current batteries have roughly 40% of the pumped storage capacity, and that needs to increase a whole lot till 2030. Essentially, Germany needs to cover for a couple days of strongly reduced power production, and needs to buffer supply peaks.

    Current trends [don’t look bad](, but there’s need for cheaper batteries still.

  8. Still the ampel (current) government and the greens are being blamed for everything, despite them actually doing quite well handling the energy crisis while transitioning into a low carbon future.

  9. All the south of Italy below Rome could easily obtain the 100% of their energy from solar and wind but no, the northern part still produce more clean energy than that area, is absurd

  10. So, when does Germany expect to actually get a CO2/kWh average that’s actually low?

    Yesterday at 13:00 was still chugging at 170g/kWh at peak solar and at 20:00 it’s at 500g/kWh.

    When can we expect like 50s g/kWh across the entire day?

  11. well and the fact that you can make insane bank with the guaranteed pricing for renewable energy

  12. My trade is at the forefront of this, glad to see the impact.

    Chimney sweep and energy consultant. Basically we make sure laws are followed in terms of renewable energy (and more). Also we consult people how to reduce their energy consumption, emissions and bills.

    Basically you have to use a certain percentage of renewable energy with the goal of reaching 100% renewable energy by 2045 in the private sector.

    We go into pretty much every house in Germany, there aren’t any other trades with that much contact to the general population and the amount of knowledge on energy, insulation, heating systems and construction. Which is why the government uses us to promote renewable energy in the private sector.

  13. One of those reforms was that they are now allowed to build windmills inside forests and much closer to people’s homes. The law used to be that when building a windmill, it has to be (10 x height) distance from the homes. Then it was 1km and now it’s 800m. They wanted to do a project behind my house where they would cut down 10ha of forest and install 240m high windmills (170m the foot and 70m de blade).

    Questions like noise, vibration and sound pollution were answered with generic PR answers, while concerns regarding the hundreds of cut trees and the disturbed flora and fauna were played down

  14. Great job. This is the only correct way to approach renewables: red tape needs to be removed and NIMBYs told to kindly fuck off. Many people understand the first part of “climate emergency”, not so many the “emergency” bit.

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