Americans in Hysterics After Trump Brags About How Smart and Educated He Is, ‘Trump Is Classless and a DISGRACE!’

Americans in Hysterics After Trump Brags About How Smart and Educated He Is, ‘Trump Is Classless and a DISGRACE!’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. As a teacher, I would put his vocabulary at about a fourth grade level, far higher than his maturity.

  2. I dearly hope we’re not destined to endure four more insufferable years of this imbecilic weirdo off-gassing every single day. I mean, when is enough enough? It’s almost September, in an election year, and the Republican candidate for president is aimlessly sing-songing his way through another freestyle riff about how “smart” he is. In any other era of history, they’d have already dragged him away with a big net.

  3. Hey! The rest of the world knew years ago, so no surprise. It is really a testament to the media who never challenged or questioned enough.

  4. What is this headline? Like, yeah, we all know Trump is classless. I’m not in hysterics. I’m helping to organize and will vote.

  5. He speaks Idiot Merican perfectly. Never a recognized dialect, it nonetheless brings in volumes of uneducated & undereducated voters.

  6. He is using the Roy Cohn playbook which is to keep telling the lie until people believe it is the truth. He is hoping that eventually people will believe how smart and educated he is if he just keeps repeating the lie.

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