A Ukrainian soldier approaches and fires at a Russian soldier in a dugout, the Russian shoots back hitting the Ukrainian multiple times but thanks to his body armor he manages to retreat to a close friendly position, Zaporizhzhia Oblast

A Ukrainian soldier approaches and fires at a Russian soldier in a dugout, the Russian shoots back hitting the Ukrainian multiple times but thanks to his body armor he manages to retreat to a close friendly position, Zaporizhzhia Oblast

by CupCharacter853

  1. And they are just sitting in the holes like this 10 meteres away from each other? That’s some grim ww1 shit here.

  2. Looks like a hit to the thigh and/or a hit to the shoulder, followed by 2+ hits on the plate

  3. Why’d he lay down directly in the guys view? Was it just that he realized he couldn’t get up without completely exposing himself?

  4. Even after everything we’ve seen in this war, something pops up that makes you go “ I can’t believe what I just watched”

  5. Jeez, those tactics couldn’t be any worse. Hopefully he’s learnt that there’s a reason soldiers operate in squads, not alone.

  6. Is it just me or when theres close combat like this, the troops never seem to use grenades often.

    Very rarely I see footage of troops using grenades before advancing on trenches or foxholes.

    Is there a lack of grenades or do troops not find them useful?

  7. The fact he went back not to get patched up, but to take a nade off his mate and go back to the dug out is awesome

  8. Its wild to me he is essentially alone, walking in the wide open like that. Maybe he was ordered to do it – idk. Seems like an easy way to die. In any case i hope he survived.

  9. Does he go back to get assistance and head back to finish what he started? Fucking hell, hope he got patched up.

  10. Uhhhfff.. Bleeding that much from the hip/thigh.. 🙁 That is a dangerous place to be hit!! Lets hope he made it past “adrenaline induced strength”. Are they using level3+ plates? 7.62×54 should go through anything up to that level….?

  11. This is why you want to have back plates on. He literally took a round in the back after he fell over.

  12. Holy fucking shit. Bless the Ukranian hero.

    I really want to show this video to the idiot I was arguing with a while back who claimed that body armour is useless against modern rifle ammunition and that it is purely a psychological crutch for those that wear it. Demonstrable nonsense, of course, but he would not have it. Even if that were true and every soldier routinely carried some of the best AP ammunition at all times, most soldiers die from fragmentation weapons so it’d still be very useful.

    This soldier would definitely be dead right there if it weren’t for his armour.

  13. Please fucking tell me he went back asked for a grenade and that’s what he was handed before this shit cut 🤤

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