Surging Methane Emissions Could Be a Sign of a Major Climate Shift | New studies suggest global warming boosts natural methane releases, which could undermine efforts to cut emissions of the greenhouse gas from fossil fuels and agriculture.

Surging Methane Emissions Could Be a Sign of a Major Climate Shift | New studies suggest global warming boosts natural methane releases, which could undermine efforts to cut emissions of the greenhouse gas from fossil fuels and agriculture.

Surging Methane Emissions Could Be a Sign of a Major Climate Shift

by crustose_lichen

  1. > If those feedbacks intensify, scientists said, it could outpace efforts to cut methane from fossil fuel and other human sources.

    For which read, “warming will get into a self-reinforcing loop that we **physically cannot break out of**”

    But sure, another few million EVs and some solar panels will fix it.

    When everything is falling down around their ears, I wonder how long it will take moderates and liberals to realise that radical climate activists, degrowthers and eco-socialists were right.

    Remember, our political class have heard these briefings. They know the extraordinary destruction that a continuation of growth-oriented capitalist economics will bring about. And not only do they fail to act to slash fossil fuel usage. They actually do the opposite. Indeed they will not even tell the truth about the catastrophic damage coming at us and what is required to avoid it.

    I feel like it’s 2019 when XR’s main slogan was “Tell the Truth”. They continue to lie. Just different lies.

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