Ryazan Oblast. Novomichirinsk. After explosion there is fire on power plant

Ryazan Oblast. Novomichirinsk. After explosion there is fire on power plant

by Creepy_Jeweler_1351

  1. little did they know the size of dildo of consequences when launched their last massive missile strike

  2. Quite a bit closer to Moscow….someone is gonna be sad and sending “please help us Vladdy Vladmirobitch” messages.

  3. It’s fine…

    Now who wants to earn 2 extra onions and put out the fire near the kerosene deposit?

  4. It’s great to see Ukraine finally able to start bringing the pain and suffering to RuZZia!

    Hit the refineries, hit the power plants, make the RuZZian terrorists feel the terror they’ve inflicted upon Ukraine for so long.

    Slava Ukraini!

  5. Nice…. but where the hell is ‘Novomichirinsk’? Google maps doesn’t know either.

    Got it…. Novomich U rinsk.

  6. This is the way. One step further is for every incoming russian missile the west gives a missele back to Ukraine in return.

  7. Kursk invaded but poootin cant do shit. Instead he lobs missiles and drones to Ukraine costing him billions. Meanwhile Ukraine destroys his refineries and military. Stupid ruzzia. Slava Ukraini!

  8. Tit for tat , Take out Ukraine power UA will reciprocate now and ther capacity will build to hit harder.

    Slava Ukraini

  9. Wikipedia: The Ryazan Power Station (also called Novomichurinsk Power Station) is the fifth largest power station in Russia, with an installed capacity of 3,130 MW. The power station is located in Novomichurinsk of the Ryazan Oblast, Russia. Construction began in 1968 with the first unit going online in 1973. The facility also houses one of the tallest chimneys in the world, topping out at 320 m.

  10. During covid I worked 36 hours in 2 days getting a power plant back up and running. I Can’t imagine what those fuckers are going to be up against, and frankly I’m delighted for them.

  11. Most of the country is overdue for a blackout so the whole country can get that dark ages feeling where most are morally.

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