Pokrovsk. The last days of an empty park. Soon the “Russian world” will touch the city and everything on the photo will cease to exist

Pokrovsk. The last days of an empty park. Soon the “Russian world” will touch the city and everything on the photo will cease to exist

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. Russia is the kind of neighbour that will burn down your house because it was nicer than his, instead of improving his own house.

  2. Holy crap that’s a nice park! Such a shame. Soon it will be overgrown with weeds and all the structures will go on to dilapidate for the lack of maintenance. My grandma-in-law went to her former home town near Vyborg to visit her old neigbourhood. She cried when she told us about the trip. Easy to guess why. Somehow everything was worse in 2016 than 1939.

  3. I hope their current offensive is culminating and they will not be able to take the city! I really think that was the AFU prediction when they launched the Kharkiv offensive.

  4. “Don’t say ‘Hoppa’ until you’ve jumped”
    Or “It’s not over until the fat lady sings”

  5. What a beautiful town. I gotta say, I’ve never seen a public gym like that and now I want my town to create one! Russia is taking more and more beautiful land from the free world, it’s heartbreaking to see. 🙁

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