Russia blames Ukraine for ferry sinking near Crimea

Russia blames Ukraine for ferry sinking near Crimea

CNN’s Marc Stewart and Salma Abdelaziz report on the latest developments in Ukraine’s war with Russia. #CNN #News

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  1. 😁😁🤣🤣somebody deleted my comment again. Ukraine sunk Russie oil tanker not ferry. I heard it have about 30 tanks on that ship. This is how Ukrainian destroy Russian economy. Remember no oil, no money and there will be no war. Putler bought cheap atillery shells from North Korea. That means Putler is running low or almost out of weapons. I saw a video of Russian bomber Tu22M3 crashed near Belarusian border. It costs about 228 million U.S dollars. I saw a huge fireball when it hit the ground.

  2. I still don’t understand after Ukraine cut supplies how is it that the Russians continue to gain territory. Still don’t understand that.

  3. 😁😁Wow! 999 comments. Let's make it 1,000 comments. LOL! 100 Russian Ruble worth about 80 cents U.S dollar. It takes a lot of money to fund the war. When U.S troops in Afghanistan for about 18 years, U.S spent about or close to 1 trillion dollars? I don't know. But I know it takes a lot of money to spend on war. 😁😍!

  4. Modi is a Crooked PoS. I wouldn't even let him in the Country if it were up to me. He needs to get his own Cesspool of a Country in order before telling others how to live.

  5. Modi wants to play both sides. India is pretty tied to Russia. Talk is cheap. You have to make decisions for your country. Everyone understands that. However, don’t try to play peace maker when you clearly are on the side of Russia.

  6. I think it's now pretty safe to assume that if something Russian blows up inside Russia, it was probably Ukraine that did it?

    Shouldn't have murdered thousands of Ukrainian men, women, or children and your ferry would be still functional, and 500,000 Orcs would be home for dinner tonight.

    Modi I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw him. He'll trade with anyone, regardless of their human rights abuses, makes no difference.

  7. The Indian Prime Minister seeks peace but ignores the evil that has been done by the Russian leader, which is very distrustful! The Russian regime war is illegal,unjustified, and criminal!
    To ignore this is just like no wrong done or false peace. The communist regime needs to get out of Ukraine and pay for damages. The Ukrainian President has told the world that because of weapons restrictions by their supporters,which helps the communist regime,they are forced to invade Russia. The weapons restrictions also prolong the war to stop Ukraine from winning. Little Ukraine fierce fight, for freedom from the evil of communism is a great example for the world! to resist evil!!

  8. Ukraine trouble time ,he not go to Ukraine ,he is good to Russia .Russia trouble time ,he go to Ukraine .India president is not good for Ukraine. After he went to Ukraine ,the world more dangerous to USA and other countries including Ukraine .

  9. I wonder why China being the Only country wich could stop the war and tell Stupid Putin go abandon Ukraine….But the picture is China is the only country who benefits the most with Idiot Putin attacking Ukrane. I wont be surprise if Chine invades Weak Russin contry sonner than later.

  10. I think Indian doesn't have enemies and friends in their policy, I looked they're only wanna fighting China maybe only China is the biggest enemies for them

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