Dollar General, Dollar Tree and Kroger customers pay over $90 million a year in cash-back fees, federal agency finds

Dollar General, Dollar Tree and Kroger customers pay over $90 million a year in cash-back fees, federal agency finds

by cnbc_official

  1. Three of the nation’s largest retailers — Dollar General, Dollar Tree and Kroger — charge fees to customers who ask for “[cash]( back” at check-out, amounting to more than [$90 million a year](, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

    Many retailers offer a cash-back option to consumers who pay for purchases with a debit or pre-paid card.

    But levying a fee for the service may be “exploiting” certain customers, especially those who live in so-called banking deserts without easy access to a bank branch or free cash withdrawals, according to a CFPB analysis issued Tuesday.

    That dynamic tends to disproportionately impact rural communities, lower earners and people of color, CFPB said.

    Not all retailers charge cash-back fees, which can range from $0.50 to upwards of $3 per transaction, according to the agency, which has [cracked down]( on financial institutions in recent years for charging so-called “junk fees.”

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  2. “Exploitation” is a bit much. These companies don’t have to offer cash back at all. Being an ATM to a rural community isn’t their job.

    That being said, I think they should do it for free since it encourages customers to shop in your store.

  3. Our Kroger literally has 5 banks in the same parking lot, and people still get cash back. They just don’t apparently care.

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