Nicholas Rossi faces life in prison after DNA match – he’s done

Nicholas Rossi’s DNA matches a sample taken after an alleged rape, raising the prospect that he will spend the rest of his life behind bars, a US court has been told.

The fugitive, who faked his own death after fleeing across the Atlantic, will stand trial on two separate rape charges in Utah later this year.A native of Rhode Island, Rossi appeared in Provo district court in Utah on Tuesday. During the hearing Lieutenant Karalee Johnson, a senior officer with Orem police, gave evidence that a rape kit sample taken in 2008 had been sent to a crime laboratory for analysis.

by Valuable-Role-5248

  1. Watching the documentary on Channel 4 the other week, the thing that puzzled me was his wife.

    Wtf is she all about? I can understand him being what he is, but she just confused me completely.

  2. Hope the cunt rots. Now if he has any money in the bank the Scottish government should go after it with a vengeance.

  3. Now he’ll know exactly what it’s like to have a guy force themself on him.

    Hopefully, many, many times.

    Enjoy it, scum.

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