At the moment, three tanks are on fire. The photo shows that two of them are completely engulfed in flames, and the third is just starting to burn. Kamensky district Rostov region( 48.457182835839454, 40.33248130798473 ) (more info in the comments)

At the moment, three tanks are on fire. The photo shows that two of them are completely engulfed in flames, and the third is just starting to burn. Kamensky district Rostov region( 48.457182835839454, 40.33248130798473 ) (more info in the comments)

by banana_man_man_

  1. “The section of the Russian oil reserve “Atlas” affected tonight was built from 2019 to 2021, and has a total of 32 above-ground tanks.

    It was already attacked on August 3, but then, according to Russian mass media, one cistern was hit and the fire was contained.”

    Sources:https:// t . me /kiber_boroshno/9746

    https:// t . me /kiber_boroshno/9748

  2. Burn baby burn! A tank farm a day may eventually chase the russians away. Maybe throw in an electrical generation plant every day for good luck

  3. Nice. Just need a strong wind down the site now to create an unstoppable chain reaction…

  4. Chinese and Indians have to be getting worried about their discounted Ukrainian blood oil supply.

    Hey Vlad maybe we should negotiate?

    Signed: Winnie the Pooh and Modi the moron

  5. Other than storage tanks, are there control rooms that could be hit that would cripple a depot, even if tanks are undamaged ?

  6. To be fair from the air it looks like a typical target in an Amiga 500 scrolling shooter from the 1990s….

  7. Yeees sir 🥳🤩🤪 I will do full scale 🌞 power if it takes it and park my 89 Ford Ranger until flat ass Putskin is out

  8. It’s become abundantly clear that the Russians have no ability to detect them on the way. Hopefully it stays the same.

  9. Fantastic timing too. Russia tends to stockpile refined diesel this time of year, to ensure there is enough to take in the harvest in September/ October, so the tanks should be full. If Russia can’t bring in the harvest, that would be catastrophic, and not just for Russia, but also for those countries that rely on their grain. Maybe India and China might start to put pressure to end the war if they’re looking at food shortages.

  10. No bund or containment walls, if the burning oil can spread from tank to tank it will take out all of them, hopefully

  11. No bund or containment walls, if the burning oil can spread from tank to tank it will take out all of them, hopefully

  12. Hit it again! I’m sure once it’s ablaze there will be no “air defense” and it will be so easy to find it: follow the big black line of smoke

  13. When are they gonna learn not to smoke around this highly flammable environment?

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