Death penalty in Europe: Year and method of last execution by country in Europe

Death penalty in Europe: Year and method of last execution by country in Europe

by humanbananareferee

  1. Interesting. I thought the electric chair and lethal injection was more common, but i guess its more of a US thing.

  2. Fun fact: 
    Norway changed the law allowing for the death penalty only to kill off one traitor during WW2 and after they criminalised the death penalty again.  
    Today Quisling(name of traitor) means traitor in English and norwegian

  3. Wish I could upvote this twice, sometimes it feels like Europe is the only civilsed place on Earth. Shithole nations like the USkkkA and Ruzzia should be embargoed and sanctioned until they learn how to be civilised.

  4. Out of all the methods in this map, the guillotine is pretty much the most painless one.

    Rare French W.

  5. I don’t get why the US doesn’t use a firing squad or hanging too? All their last attempts (injections, gas chamber, electric chair) have been pretty messy and gruesome.

  6. In the UK, because of the different laws in different constituent countries, someone was actually given a death sentence for murder in Northern Ireland in 1973, despite capital punishment being abolished for murder in most of the UK.

    However, the UK Home Secretary at the time decided it would be unpopular and politically difficult to carry it out, and it was commuted to a life sentence in prison.

    His conviction was later canceled, as he had been tortured into confessing, so the UK came quite close to its last execution being of an innocent man, about a decade after everyone thought the death sentence had been abolished….

  7. Spain’s method is wrong. It was by “garrote vil”, some sort of neck breaking if done well, suffocation if done wrong.

  8. Fun fact, the last execution in Romania was actually the President at that time (Nicolae Ceaușescu)

  9. The Portuguese one needs an asterisk, because that execution didn’t happen in Portugal, it happened in France. A Portuguese soldier defected during WW1 and was caught and executed.

    The last execution on Portuguese soil happened in 1846.

  10. Funny to see the date 1989 in Romania. The last common law execution there was carried out in 1987. In 1989 only the Ceausescu couple had to stand in front of the firing squad.

  11. Well Denmark’s traditional method of execution was beheading, which was also the method used during the last such execution, I seem to recall the executed man was a robber-murderer, the royal executioner was a part time job rarely invoke in those days, consequently some of the last beheadings were quite gruesome due to lack of practice and experience, however death by firing squad was brought back temporarily from the late forties to fifty for
.. hmmm
. purificational reasons.

  12. The last execution in peacetime in Portugal was all the way back in 1846 when JosĂ© Joaquim was hanged in Lagos, for the crime of shooting his godfather’s maid. In fact Portugal was the first modern european sovereign state to abolish the death penalty for all civilian crimes, in 1867, which extended in 1870 to all overseas provinces. In 1852 it had already been abolished for political crimes. In 1911 it was expanded to include all crimes, including military.

    In 1916, with the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps fighting in WWI, the death penalty for wartime treason was once again reinstanted. Soldier JoĂŁo Ferreira de Almeida was court-martialed for treason in september 1917 and subsequently executed on the 16th of september 1917 in Picantin, Pas-de-Calais, France. In 2017, on the 100th anniversary of his death, the portuguese president, as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, associated himself to the movement that wished to “rehabilitate the memory of a soldier convicted to a sentence contrary to human rights and to values and principles long since enshrined in the portuguese society, a conviction which would be impossible today, in light of the current portuguese constitution”. Further, the council of ministers expanded that this moral rehabilitation “does not imply a reappraisal of the facts or fundamentals of this conviction, nor does it imply the foundation for compensation or pardon”. The conviction stands legally as issued in 1917.

  13. Fun fact: Netherlands has “Life in prison as a sentence”. Only a few people have this sentence. But there is no parole or anything. The only certainty is you die in prison.

  14. DDR: Leipzig-SĂŒdvorstadt, unexpected close shot, 1981

    BRD: Berlin-Moabit, Guillotine, 1949

  15. So the wild savage plundering isolated Vikings of Iceland were the first to abolish the death Penalty huh

  16. The death penalty in civilian cases in the Netherlands was abolished in 1870; the last civilian execution was in 1860. After WW2 the death penalty was briefly reintroduced for high treason and war crimes.The last execution under that special law was in 1952, referenced in the posted map, when the German Artur Albrecht, formerly the head of the Sicherheitsdienst in the Dutch province of Friesland was shot by a firing squad.

  17. Guillotine / beheading seems to be the most humane way of executing the death penalty. At least it’s over instantly. Getting shot by a firing squad sounds like a terrible way to die.

  18. I guess date for Germany is due to DDR. In west Germany last criminals who were executed were nazi officers who commanded mobile killing units that murdered over million civilians in USSR and they were hanged in 1951, years after death penatly was outlawed in west Germany, This was pretty controversial from legal point of view but death sentences were carried out under American military jurisdiction and under heavy pressure from west German society to spare those guys.

  19. The Middle East was getting interesting, what an intrigue. Please zoom that map out a bit

  20. damn Croatia really managed to do the serbian-croat war without a single execution

  21. 1977, Christopher Lee was there in Versailles, he witnessed the beheading. There is even footage that shows Lee.

  22. Fun fact: For Romania the last execution was of the infamous dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and his psychotic wife by firing squad.

  23. Latvia is actually 1996 with single firearm, however death sentences were still being given out as late as 2002. Final removal of any death penalty provision only happened in 2012, with death sentence for murder during wartime removed from penal code.

  24. Honestly, I don’t know why nobody in the modern world, execute people by making them drink poison

    There has to be plenty of lethal poisons that are not painful

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