Harris will sit down with CNN for her first interview since launching presidential bid

Harris will sit down with CNN for her first interview since launching presidential bid


Posted by Passionjason

  1. Is it even an interview?

    There will be no hard hitting investigative journalism from CNN and they already said they will give her the pre approved questions beforehand.

  2. It’s crazy that it took so much pressure for her to finally agree to sit down with the press. And she has to have a battle buddy with her for it – can’t/wont do it alone 😂

  3. No, Harris and Walz will sit down, because clearly her handles do not trust her to speak without someone there to assist her. PATHETIC!

  4. Why not alone? She is a weak candidate with no policy positions that differ from biden. PASS!

  5. I’ll be looking forward to it. Hope we get to hear something of substance about Gaza and the West Bank, but I won’t hold my breath.

  6. Oh come on. Not another soft interview with an anchor who is enamored with joy

  7. Remember to check on your voter registration-roles are being purged and you have to register before voting.

  8. But why act as though CNN is a legitimate news outlet anymore than any other cable entertainment?

    There has to be a better way to talk to the American people than through these tabloided shit shows.

  9. She’s afraid to do it alone. She’s bringing Walz along to run interference and hold her hand.
    She gets my ” no confidence ” vote.

  10. Lmao that’s so generous of her to take pre approved hard hitting questions from CNN. 😂😂😂😂

  11. To my understanding and the facts that I have reviewed, this will be a live interview with Harris and waltz together. The host will be Dana bash. By the way, I can’t fucking stand. Dana bash. I don’t dislike her because she’s tough, I dislike her because she is demeaning And smug .

    It will be a tough interview though, which I think is what is needed for the populace.

    I’m doing the Harris Waltz in 2024!

  12. Shit stain can’t even do an interview without her tampon holder. How can she ever run the country?

  13. She will at least have more teleprompters than Joe.

    She was a meat puppet at the Frat house , Willie’s desk and at Montel’s green room; why not now?

  14. I most definitely do care. I’m just waiting for one of them to actually believe what they’re saying and have a little substance. I’ve given up on either one of them not lying to the American people. I know my not voting doesn’t matter to anyone – it’s just my own private little protest of both of them

  15. >Harris will sit down with… her sidekick Tampon Tim because she’s too chickenshit to do the interview on her own.

  16. I love how everyone is like “she needs to do an interview”. Why? “Why hasn’t she done an interview? We don’t know what she stands for!” Seriously?
    Listen this woman has been working her ass off building a campaign for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. She hasn’t had 3 fucking years to do it. She’s had 4 weeks. She’s been busy. It’s a lot of work. On top of that she’s still Vice President. So bending to conservative pressure to do a 1:1 interview probably wasn’t her top priority.

    Listen to her speeches at rallies, that’s her platform and her policy positions. She has them in like the republicans which are running on fear and division…again. And honestly I don’t believe there are undecided voters at this point.

    At the end of the day your choice is between a person who has 34 felony convictions, was found liable of rape, found liable of fraud MULTIPLE TIMES, has filed for bankruptcy 17+ times, and tried to overthrow the government to stay in power or a career prosecutor who has a proven record of helping the middle class and will actually try and move this country forward not backwards by improving healthcare, creating jobs by bringing manufacturing back, and continue to drive down inflation (which has improved significantly). Trump does not care about you or this country. Period.

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