

by 8anyone

  1. Well… whoever that is, at least they aren’t deporting them to Poland to have a nice shower :/

  2. I’m an immigrant to Germany. I was invited to an anti-immigration demonstration yesterday. By a German from a migrant background.

    I could barely believe my ears.

  3. This is a phone poll from an account/channel associated with the German right wing party AfD. It even says, that it’s not representative. Don’t read too much into this.

  4. I’m sorry but I can only see that Germans really want to do a thing regarding Afghanistan, could you please translate/explain?

  5. Europe for Europeans?

    Also freedom of speech is completely real in Europe and on social media.

  6. Funny. Every time it’s a right-wing related topic and the outcome doesn’t match the current narrative, they add the phrase that “this poll is not representative”.

    You don’t see that on any other polls.

  7. Yes the very representative and scientifically conducted call-in-poll from famous and reliable tv-channel “Heimatgefühl🖤❤️💛”.
    The sad thing is the people that watch this actually believe this is what the general population believes and are shocked when you dont agree with their right wing talking points and believe the election is righed because afd doesnt have 85%.

  8. Wtf is “HEimatgefühlt” Also this must be some boomer ass shit. Text yes/no and pay 0,50€ xD

  9. It should be Christians vs. Muslims.. as many christians from the middle or whenever East flee.. unfortunately non friendly anti Abraham’s bothers misused the situation.. here is result.
    Help to people yes, but separate those who needs a help and others..

    And have solution how to deport / return them back when situation in country is Suitable for them again.. Ie., as Taliban won in Afghanistan, they can return all their supporters…

  10. Can you fucking believe there’s not a single comment with english translation? fucking hans

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