Russia feels unfamiliar pain as Ukraine hobbles its air defenses, forcing tough choices

Russia feels unfamiliar pain as Ukraine hobbles its air defenses, forcing tough choices

by superanth

  1. So what are the protectors of democracies still waiting for? Gives Ukraine the opportunity to attack all targets in Russia with long-range missiles. At least those that have to do with air defense and the military. North Korea is no different in Russia.

  2. Hey Russia, here’s a really easy choice for you: Pull your troops out, end your unprovoked war, return all kidnapped Ukrainians, and pay for the damage you caused.

  3. F-16, where are you? Suppression of Enemy Air Defense is mission we need tasked.

  4. Must fucking suck, oh wait fuck you Putin, hopefully we get a no fly zone over Russia.

  5. At this point the Russians are probably open to Ukraine joining NATO as it will contain future generations of Ukrainians from seeking revenge against and increasingly weakening Russia.

  6. >said Russia never anticipated being in a war in which drones would feature as heavily as they had in this one.

    No one did. This is Ukrainian ingenuity combined with US military knowledge responding to modern technology.

    We have just begun to see the beginning of drone warfare, things are going to change *drastically* moving forward.

  7. Isn’t that pantser system on the kirch bridge vulnerable to small drones? From either Ukraine from partisans in Crimea?

  8. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 91%. (I’m a bot)
    > Ukraine is hitting Russia more The experts said Ukraine was forcing Russia to consider where to defend itself by hitting more and more sites in Russia.

    > Bailey said Ukraine had conducted a "Pretty consistent" campaign to target Russia's air defenses in Crimea and strain Russian air defenses.

    > Being able to hit more targets in Russia would allow Ukraine to stop more attacks at their source – probably forcing Russia to make even more decisions about where to put its air defenses and which areas to leave vulnerable to Ukrainian attacks.

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  9. Maybe they shouldn’t have used a fucking BUK to shoot down a commercial airline. Idk, just maybe then the whole world wouldn’t hate the fucking orcs and rejoice that they are now short of air defence. Burn the lot of them. Twice.

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