Chancenkarte (Opportunity Card) Reference

Does anyone have some insight on what to put here? Since the visa is to go and seek employment I do not have a company to put down as a reference yet. Also does the reference need be in Germany? Do I even need a reference for this visa?

I have tried calling and emailing my German Mission but it goes immediately to voicemail and I got an automated bot for email so asking them for guidance on what to put in this section is not even an option.

I have a family member I might be able to put down that is a German citizen through marriage but they have nothing to do with my visa.

I want to get approved so I don’t want to add confusion by listing someone who has nothing to do with my visa down. But on the other hand don’t want to not be approved because I didn’t put a reference down at all.

Have anyof you had this problem? Or what do you think the best move would be?

by Consistent-Ad6272

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