Latvia’s defense minister wants to conscript women by 2028

Latvia’s defense minister wants to conscript women by 2028

by diacewrb

  1. lol… most likely wont happen. There is absolutely no support from parliament. Btw we (Latvia) just reestablished compulsory military service.


  2. Good. If we must have compulsory military service, it can’t be restricted to one gender. There are plenty of roles for women in a modern military.

  3. This is just as stupid as the reintroduction for men was last year. The reality is that a country with just under 2 million inhabitants should concentrate on strengthening its diplomacy (NATO, EU, regional alliances) economy and industry, which is easier if you don’t deprive your population of months of study and work to throw them into running through mud and cleaning latrines, if they want to contribute anything to a future aggression by the degenerate moron Putin.

  4. this undoes decades of progress we have made in giving women bodily autonomy. what happens when their (male) commander orders them to defend a trench at all costs ? can they refuse?

  5. Understandable, their total population is smaller then that of Saint Petersburg. They need all the bodies they can throw at the enemy.

  6. If this is enforced I hope that women are given a chance to do their service in support roles like medicine or logistics.

    Of course you need soldiers if war happens, but also nurses will be needed.

  7. Good! The armed forces should be able to choose from 100% of the population if they want to.

  8. People who say women shouldn’t be drafted for demographic reasons – you’re arguing for mandatory reproduction.

  9. Imagine sending women to the battlefield when you know convicts or certain muslim soldiers can be on the other side. Or imagine not sending women in because of that.

    I wonder how this will turn out..

  10. Really wish conscription wasn’t necessary at all. Thanks for forcing it to be, Russia.

  11. I love how the misogynists went from laughing at women who were voluntarily joining the military for any job that wasn’t a nurse to we must conscript women at any cost when the threat of war actually became something more than a fairy tale.

  12. Israel is already doing this.

    Being surrounded by hostile neighbours makes small countries use its entire population.

  13. Yup, there is no mandatory having children law, so that isn’t an excuse. Still I wouldn’t conscript pregnant women or women with children, I also would extend this to men who are parents.

    The idea: if you are pregnant or impregnated someone by the age of 20 and they deliver the child by the age of 21, your conscription gets delayed by 5 years – again if you are pregnant or impregnated someone before the age of 25 and it is delivered by the age of 26. People with 2 children or more will not get conscripted.


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