Ryanair boss calls for two-drink limit at airports to tackle disorder

Ryanair boss calls for two-drink limit at airports to tackle disorder


Posted by BringbackDreamBars

  1. Bolt statement to make considering the only way most people will ever be able to stand a Ryanair flight is when they’re absolutely smashed off their tits.

  2. >But we don’t allow people to drink-drive, yet we keep putting them up in aircraft at 33,000ft.

    We rightly allow car passengers to be absolutely plastered – they’re passengers! I understand what he’s saying but as long as his pilots aren’t drink-flying that’s a rubbish argument.

  3. >”In the old days, people who drank too much would eventually fall over or fall asleep. But now those passengers are also on tablets and powder,” he added.

    Project much?  So how many drugs do you think this dude is on?  

  4. Could an airline breathalyze people before entering?

    It’d private property no? They could demand something like that?

    Guess it depends on the countries

  5. Because I moved to Eastern Europe, Ryanair is a necessary evil. They are one of the few airlines that do direct flights. But every time O’Leary speaks, it makes me wonder if a layover in Frankfurt would be worth it.

  6. Put offenders on a no-fly list, shared with all other airlines. That would not only stop them boarding the planes but also stop them from getting to the destinations where they’ll go on to cause more trouble.

  7. Yup, the issue definitely isn’t constantly treating passengers worse and worse and making the experience of flying a nightmare. It was a lot easier for drunk passengers to just pass out when they weren’t crammed into the tiniest amount of space possible to increase seating.

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