Classic Greco-Italian W…

Classic Greco-Italian W…

by Commercial_Gas_4028

  1. Lemme guess, nearly all the cities east of Asia Minor were called some variation of Alexandria or Alexandrianopolis?

  2. I’m going to Massalia to visit my long-lost Pierre cousins, hopefully they will be very nice to me!

  3. There seems to be a border resembling the modern german-french border, I wonder what happened there

  4. When we think of colonization, we think of the period of the XV to the XIX century, but the Greek colonization of the Mediterranean is one of the most defining eras of european history.

  5. PERSONALLY, I don’t care about Italy this Greece that I just want a United Earth with the UN as the government.

  6. Idk, a few blue colored cities on the Mediterranean coast were actually founded by Phoenicians, so I’m kinda doubting the sources here.

  7. Even the Romans didn’t want anything to do with France, so they settled as little of the land as the could, instead putting far more settlements in Germanic’s and Celt’s lands

  8. And they were fucking horrible at naming these cities. Alexandria, Tripoli, Nova Roma, Antiochia…. Like be more creative please😔😔

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