Canada’s 2023 wildfires produced more emissions than fossil fuels in most countries

Canada’s 2023 wildfires produced more emissions than fossil fuels in most countries

by techreview

  1. **From the article:**

    Last year’s Canadian wildfires [smashed records](, burning about seven times more land in Canada’s forests than the annual average over the previous four decades. Eight firefighters were killed and 180,000 people displaced. 

    Now a new study reveals how these blazes can create a vicious cycle, contributing to climate change even as climate-fueled conditions make for worse wildfire seasons.  Emissions from 2023’s Canadian wildfires reached 647 million metric tons of carbon, according to the [study published today in Nature]( If the fires were a country, they’d rank as the fourth-highest emitter, following only China, the US, and India. The sky-high emissions from the fires reveals how human activities are pushing natural ecosystems to a place that’s making things tougher for our climate efforts.

  2. Yup and Fossil fuel freaks will use this to say human actions don’t matter nature is worse seeeeee

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