Russian soldier hits FPV drone with an RPG, but there’s a catch

Russian soldier hits FPV drone with an RPG, but there’s a catch

by UnluckySeed

  1. I’m guessing that was all drone explosives. Thought the RPGs have an inertial arming trigger of some sort.

    edit: spelling

  2. He should have surrendered. His murdering and torturing and raping days are now over for good. The world is objectively a better place.

  3. One thing is for sure: all these soldiers, from both sides, will go bat shit crazy after the war, when they hear a mosquito nearby.

  4. That scream at the end is so perfectly cut that it’s annoying. Need more celebratory cries

  5. I get the support for Ukraine, and in my time in service, I’ve worked with both Russians and Ukrainians fighting Russia. My message, as always, is to dodge the hate in your heart and just get the job done and not lump in every russian with every orc. While the argument can be said that they have a choice to fight or die rather than fight, that same argument sounds insane when reversed to you, doesn’t it? I mean, we don’t know these men we’re killing, don’t know their history or how they ended up in that spot. We don’t know what they were told or what they’re thinking. On the battlefield, they don’t display evil tendencies, they look like they’re just trying to survive a battle which we all are. We have rapist and murderers in the UA too, you hear of it and you occasionally see it. War crimes on both ends but i always see the “well they did it first” or “they’re doing it too” and that literally sounds like elementary arguments. Just cause their Commanders and “commandos” beat the lesser ranks and rape and murder doesn’t mean all the lesser ranks are raping and murdering, just like a majority of Ukrainians, and some people i knew from the FL even got pulled from service cause some less than favorable actions. It sucks but it happens on both sides. Some people will take this as me defending Russia, but no no no I’m defending Russians, cause stereotyping and blind hatred make it so no one wins. Russia needs to be slapped by their dad and siblings told not to do it again, and that’s it. Anything more begs for retaliation later down the road by actual die-hard Soviet brains. History repeats.

  6. Slava Ukraine and all that, but what’s up with the video? Skipping?

    If Russia had posted this, it would have been pulled apart for how fake it is.

    I hate the Orcs as much as the next decent human, but I feel this damages the integrity of our honesty somewhat

  7. Learn a lesson from other peoples’ experiences. Never ever hit a drone that’s armed to explode by contact. If you do so, KABOOM, GAME OVER!

  8. It’s impossible to imagine yourself, but you trust until the last moment that you will get away with it. Perhaps defending with a 2-meter tree branch with a leafy end, a small chance is possible. Of course, I think this from the armchair.

  9. I was about to say that little drone will be heavily out-gunned by a powerful RPG

  10. If I had an RPG against a drone I would try to aim it backwards and blow the FPV away with the backblast from a better distance.

    The arming distance of the warhead will make it just ricochet away from me.

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