Shortage of Pilots, Parts, Planes, Fuel Could Kill (Literally) Russian Aviation. With reports that some airlines are now rationing fuel Moscow’s already struggling commercial airlines stagger from one crisis to another.

Shortage of Pilots, Parts, Planes, Fuel Could Kill (Literally) Russian Aviation. With reports that some airlines are now rationing fuel Moscow’s already struggling commercial airlines stagger from one crisis to another.

by MaryADraper

  1. ukraine needs to keep a focus on hitting jet fuel with deep strikes. this seems like an effective bottleneck, though the meat of the effect affects commercial air.

    hitting jets and ammo depots are definitely helpful as well since it is even more difficult for russia to acquire those things and more directly affects the russian airforce.

  2. Surely the one thing they DO have plenty of is fuel? Unless it is all committed to the military or to funding said military. Or is currently on fire!

    I think it’s safe to say that sanctions weren’t the instant trump card that some suggested. But it’s death by a thousand cuts isn’t it? Russian air safety was already a joke, you couldn’t pay me to fly with Aeroflot today.

  3. Hit the runway or traffic tower of Sheremetyevo airfield. Let’s see what the effects are for that.

    I am sure sometimes a military aircraft lands there, so it can be labeled as a valid target.

  4. Its not just fuel, they are having issues with maintenance. A 20% reduction in fuel weight over several flight can add 1 or 2 extra flights to an aircraft before it needs to be pulled. This is going to be an interesting winter. As Russia will need to either ground more flights or they will have more crashes

  5. The Russian people don’t need to travel from place to place anyway. It’s not necessary for the Supreme Commander’s plans.

    Better actually if they just sit quietly in one place, awaiting conscription.

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