Tommy Robinson faces jail after new contempt of court claim | ITV News

Tommy Robinson faces jail after new contempt of court claim | ITV News

by topotaul

  1. Ask him what he thinks attracted so many child sex offenders to the EDL? Did he know? Does he still defend them?Were they recruiting the youth at the time?

    Just asking questions.

  2. Ooh, this thread has been absolutely nuked.

    I’m guessing all the “what has he *actually* done?” comments were removed as part of the new dog-whistling rule?

    In which case, bloody good job Mods.

    For anyone that still wants to ask? He was ordered by a judge not to show a libellous video that was found to be lying to promote an agenda (and he had to pay out £100k in a settlement for). He then showed it anyway (repeatedly), and when he was asked to come to court and explain why he did it chose instead to flee the country (and in doing so break the law *again* when he refused to consent to a search at the border).

    Absolutely deserves jail.

  3. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bloke.

    All this because he had to defame a kid, resulting in him getting rightly taken to court.

  4. I’ll give it five days before he’s asking his followers for money to pay for his legal fees.

    Not even convinced he believes his own lies, just knows there is money to be made


  5. I guess he wont be thrown into jail as they are full? and probably will be giving suspended sentence?

    At least, that’s what the attacker in Birmingham received recently.

  6. Just in case people ant more info on his libel case, please see/read below.

    Court Judgement of the Libel case: [[2021] EWHC 2008 (QB)](

    > **28** In the first judgment, handed down on 21 April 2020, I determined the natural and ordinary meaning of the two videos published by the Defendant (see [18]-[19] of the first judgment). The meaning of the First Video was:

    >> “The Claimant had (1) as part of a gang, participated in a violent assault on a young girl which had caused her significant injuries; and (2) threatened to stab another child”

    > In this judgment, I shall refer to these as Imputations 1 and 2.

    > **29** The meaning of the Second Video was held to be:

    >> “The Claimant had, as part of a gang, participated in a violent assault on a young girl which had caused her serious injuries.”

    > **30** It is perhaps important to note at this point that, in the decision on meaning, **I rejected the Defendant’s suggested meaning of “as part of a gang, the Claimant has committed serious acts of violence against a schoolgirl”** on the basis that **it “fails to capture the gravity of the allegation being made against the Claimant… and ignores, completely, the allegation of a threat to stab the boy that is made clearly in the First Video”**: [5], [17] and [22].

    And also,

    > **163** The most significant element of the damages award that I fix will be the need for vindication. This judgment – but more importantly – the award of damages **will mark clearly that the Defendant has failed to demonstrate the truth of his allegations.** The Defendant took on the burden of proving his allegations to be true. He has failed. In reality, and for the reasons I have explained, his evidence fell woefully short. **He has, however, persisted with the serious allegations he originally made, and has even added to them during the proceedings. The Claimant has had to face them in the full glare and publicity of a High Court trial. It is my responsibility to make clear that the Defendant has failed in his defence of truth, to vindicate the Claimant and to award him a sum in damages that represents fair compensation.** The sum I award is £100,000.

  7. The EDL connections to Israel really shine a light on this racist and opportunist cunt.

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