late summer

late summer

by strajeru

  1. The forecast for the first week of September is around 33° where I live. I remember it being like 15° when I was a wee cunt.

  2. I’m tired 😩
    I was thinking that this year might be the first time ever we will have to turn on the A/C in September!! Wild! (Actually it probably will be staying on until September, I should say..)
    Living in N/E of Italy..we had a glorious summer last year, only a few days of unbearable heat and more rain..good times 🥲

  3. Living in Brexitland this is infuriating. I absolutely love hot weather and we haven’t had a summer for two years.

  4. In my case, I love it. I hope it isn’t so bad in the south anymore, at least it isn’t over 40

  5. In Finland I’ve been enjoying the summer a lot. But I think we might be have been the only ones

  6. How do I find out where that 17 is that’s right at the northern border of Spain? Anyone know?

  7. Bit tired of heat wave, but good side is tpurist will soon go home and us locals will enjoy empty beaches

  8. I have some serious doubts regarding the middle east temperatures

    Currently (evening) it’s around 30, but we’ve had 37 this week too

    Regardless, I envy those of you who didn’t get proper summer

  9. I would not want to be in Africa right now. 44 degrees. Holy moly that’s insane!

    It’s hot enough here in Bordeaux!

  10. We just beat our own rainfall record for August here on the west coast of Norway, so we got that going for us.

  11. Gonna have to move to Norway or Sweden with these temperatures.

    But at least I can now plant oranges where 50 years ago even potatoes struggled.

  12. ITT:

    – OMG I can’t belive it is only 16 in a sea of red!

    – OMG this map shows red it’s an OVERDRAMATIC mAp!!!|||11

    – OMG it’s midsummer summer ends exactly on September 22nd.

  13. „Late“. Lol. No. This horrible season is not ending any time soon. Unfortunately. Yes, unliveable temps, it is god-awful, horrible, existence in this is pure pain.

  14. This heat map is the reason our same vacation was in Scandinavia this year.

    In the winter we hit the beach at a tropical destination.

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