Cope losers

Cope losers

by AccurateGrand276

  1. Well at least Pierre finally learned english. A little bit. To the best of his abilities.

  2. Damn, I wish I was the powerhouse of Europe for centuries, only to be remembered for being conquered in six weeks, while having superior firepower

  3. I could break character and admit that I’m white fond of my frog cousins, and prefer them over most tourists.

    But I don’t think I will do that

  4. – Dad, why François thinks he is superior?

    – It’s not superiority, son… 
    It’s called delirium.

  5. Guys, guys settle down, please stop bullying pierré, we know what we all think and we know what they think, don’t waste your precious time trying to argue with them, you’re worth more than that

  6. Damn, i wish i smelt like cabbages, was unable to read instructions, and my wife was fucking some brown guy. I need some bed-bug infestation in my life.

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