Thames Water says it needs 59% bill rise to survive

Thames Water says it needs 59% bill rise to survive

by feellurky

  1. Let them fail then. That’s what privatisation means. Shareholders can’t have their cake and eat it too.

  2. I love that every communication I get from Thames Water moans and sops about “our Victorian-era plumbing” as though that’s my problem, and not the problem of the people who bought a Victorian-era plumbing network.

  3. Imagine being given an actual, genuine, real life monopoly; customers held hostage because there is literally no competitor to switch to, a captive audience who require the thing you provide so much that without it they will literally die – and you still can’t make a go of it.

    Never mind letting them fail. Take them outside and have them shot.

  4. This is weird because it would be to the benefit of all of us if Thames water didn’t survive and had to be brought into public ownership, but we are going to be forced to pay higher bills to keep a failed privatised industry afloat by a Labour government.

    Thames water has paid out £7.2 billion in dividends since its inception 32 years. That money could go a long way to paying for the repairs needed. Let’s start collecting it back from the shareholders through targeted taxation.

  5. Is that the same Thames Water who wanted £157m off customers to shore up its pension fund? Do one.

  6. Fuck privatising profits but socialising losses. Let them fail – fine bosses for negligence, then nationalise.

  7. If this means they will go bankrupt and TW will be nationalized, fuck em, whatever, add another 1% to my Council Tax or something

    If this is some propaganda to pave the way to bail out them with public funds because “too important to fail”, double fuck em

    I’ll be building a Mad Max style 3 Barter Town on top of the old London Basin access point and watch TW execs getting mauled by lions in the arena

  8. Probably the most top heavy, inefficient, wasteful company I’ve ever dealt with.

    If customers have a problem with money they cut them off. If Thames water has a problem with money we’re expected to bail them out?

    Thames water can get to fuck. Joke of a company

  9. Time to nationalise Thames Water. Customers, taxpayers and the environment will suffer for a long time. Let shareholders AND debt holders feel the pain of this utter failure and use it as a lesson for the future.

  10. You need a 59% bill rise to survive you say ?

    Oh Noes

    Anyway, off you pop and we’ll get someone else in to run it and not pump shit out into the river all the time.

  11. It will cost us to re-nationalise but I’d prefer to pay for that than line one more day of these thieving polluting fuckers pockets.

  12. Awful company. I worked for a few water companies. I pile vote to bong them back into public ownership. Non profit.

  13. Its a company, let it fail. Then maybe there will be competition. And they will clean up the waterways that TW have polluted.

  14. Thames water can (and should) go fuck themselves with the rustiest piece of Victorian plumbing they can find.

  15. Perhaps they should go back to the shareholdwrs and claw back some of the dividends they have given previously?

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