Der belarussische Präsident behauptet, ihm werde geraten, „sich von Russland abzuwenden“ und „gemeinsam mit der Ukraine zu kämpfen“.

Der belarussische Präsident behauptet, ihm werde geraten, „sich von Russland abzuwenden“ und „gemeinsam mit der Ukraine zu kämpfen“.

  1. Well that is probably the smartest decision.. Claim you had to do what you needed to at first, you protected your people, and side with the inevitable winners. Rotate out of office at the next election and bring prosperity to your people by joining the west.

    I’m not sure the Ukrainians want his help though.

  2. I’d just make a deal with the EU to exchange free and fair elections against a Swiss passport and a small villa in Locarno.

  3. That’s all fine and great but he said he won’t accept that advice and is doubling down on their alliance with Russia so it means less than nothing

  4. He literally says in the article they need to be accepted by the east and he’s happy they are and calls the west mad men….. like what’s the point of this to get engagement from bots and people who can’t read?

  5. Be funny if Lukashenko been playing the long game in real life the same way I play the long game in Civ 6 multiplayer: betraying my “allies” at the worst possible moments.

  6. That’s the smartest thing I’ve ever seen attributed to him.

    He’s too dumb to take the advice, though.

  7. Looks like Lukashenko is worried about not lasting much longer and needs some Russian troops to shoot his own people.

  8. I’m betting his bodyguard detail has some FSB plants that are ready to throw him out a window if he decides to stop backing russia.

  9. Ya know man I’m getting calls left and right from women asking me to see them, but you know I can’t. I have to turn them down and stay with my Maria. You don’t know her she’s in a different former eastern bloc country.

  10. Dog whistle call to “someone” to offer a better deal than Russia, he won’t turn on Russia unless it’s a better deal than what Russia offers.

  11. Says the Russian Puppet state who allowed almost 100000 Russian troops in his nation to invade Ukraine and also threatened Ukraine a year ago with Russian Nukes to stay away from them even though they facilitated in the invasion of a sovereign nation.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko Can piss off! Not only has he murdered and destroyed all who vote against him, he has also allowed his national to become a Muppet State of Putin!

    I have followed this man since he became president and I am saddened he hasn’t been assassinated by his people by now. He is not popular amongst his people. Many just put up with it because the STATE has their thumb on them just like in Russia

  12. Ukraine should just liberate Belarus, their population is probably sick of their regime.

  13. It seems like he’s trying to strengthen his position with Russia by showing loyalty while subtly hinting that he’s being pressured from other sidess.

  14. Tough choice. Follow a lunatic to utter ruin, or join the rest of the world in standing up to him.

  15. It’s like he’s trying to keep everyone guessing while juggling his precarious position between Putin’s demands and internal pressure.

  16. Honestly some western country should just say they’ll offer €1Billion and anonymous relocation to a tropical paradise with a bigger palace than Putin’s if he abdicates and calls in UN peacekeepers and EU observers for democratic elections.

  17. It would be in Belarus’ absolute best interests to turn away from basically being a Soviet state (which they have been even since the USSR broke up) and turn to the West.

    They could be a great country but instead have basically remained stuck in the Cold War era.

    Obviously Lukashenko will do absolutely nothing to move towards this and instead will keep himself aligned with a failed authoritarian state.

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