Sweden prosecutes Quran burners with hate crime – DW

Sweden prosecutes Quran burners with hate crime – DW


by PmMeYourBeavertails

  1. >Swedish prosecutors, however, said the two men are accused of committing “offenses of agitation against an **ethnic or national group**

    Who’s gonna tell them that ISIS isn’t internationally recognized country, Caliphate doesn’t exist anymore and other citizenships don’t necessarily imply one’s religion. Wasn’t one of those Quran burners literally from one of those Islamic hellholes like Afghanistan or something?

  2. Relax folks, it’s only getting tried, the other times it has been ruled as legal.

  3. Are all Muslims in the world considered to be one ethnic group? Serious question.

  4. In the Swedish article, you can read that it’s not the book burning he is prosecuted for. It’s the hate speech that came with it…. So…. burning the Quran is legal.

  5. Why does anybody need to burn an item that is sacred to a group of people? It’s deliberately trying to cause upset, frankly I wonder why they don’t have better things to do.

  6. TLDR. They are not being prosecuted for the burning of the Quran itself. They are being prosecuted for how they burned the Quran and for what they said

    > Both men are prosecuted for having on these four occasions made statements and treated the Quran in a manner intended to express contempt for Muslims because of their faith

  7. There is no such thing nowhere in the world making it illegal to show a hateful religion what to do.

  8. Yeh thats the influence of turkey on them joining nato. Its not back to medieval times yet but if we are not careful …

  9. >Both men are prosecuted for having on these four occasions made statements and treated the Quran in a manner intended to express contempt for Muslims because of their faith

    The lack of publicity in such cases doesn’t really help the public reception. What exactly have they said on these four occasions they are prosecuted for?

  10. How about you just don’t do stupid shit like this? What exactly do any of these idiots achieve by burning a Quran? This is fucking pathetic and disrespectful. It also goes a long way in explaining how Europeans don’t fucking understand neutrality or peace.

  11. Can we prosecute muslims who burn the bible or the flag because they want to oppose their belief on us??

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