What Your Top Peter Variant Choice Reveals About Your Character

What Your Top Peter Variant Choice Reveals About Your Character

Posted by Helen_working_girl

  1. The Trump administration saved the use of Sharpies for important shit, like manipulating hurricane maps, to avoid admitting his admin was wrong about the path.

  2. Even if they had signed it the demented old felon would have probably thrown it on the ground and demanded a clean one

  3. You KNOW that when Traitor Trump realized this he filled 4 consecutive diapers in sheer FURY.

  4. “Hey guys, we’re passing around a helmet for everyone to sign and be given to Trump. Who wants to sign?”

    “Can I write ‘Rot in hell, pumpkin douche?’”

    “You know what…let’s just give it to him unsigned.”

  5. They didn’t sign it because they all knew it would have ended up on eBay the next day.

  6. I can’t find the clip

    This is exactly like the Simpsons when Lisa asked her classmates to sign her yearbook and they just passed it around and it came back empty.

    All while Bart had a signing desk and everybody was lining up for his signature

  7. His was not signed because he was considering stepping in as QB, to lead the way in case Brady got injured. YEA! – YEA!! THATS WHAT HAPPENED

  8. Trumps such a cunt he probably told them not to sign his because he wanted to sign it and be the only one with his signature on it. In turn that probably made the players really happy because they probably didn’t like the guy anyway. Does anyone who knows trump genuinely like him? The guy seems insufferable

  9. Wonder if it has to do with Deon and his son being in KFC commercials while college tennis players can’t accept prize money over $50,000 dollars.


  10. I surprised Trump didn’t say he had the entire Team AND fans signed his on the side we can’t see.

  11. – Fox News
    *”And here we see Trump holding the helmet with more signatures ever”*

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