Pedro is not joking. Spanish police boat runs over migrant speedboat

Pedro is not joking. Spanish police boat runs over migrant speedboat

by carabemlegal

  1. Too few people for a migrant boat. And migrants don’t use speed boats – more like an oversized, packed to the limit about to sink slow dinghy. I’d bet those are drug runners

  2. They tried to cross the stern in order to get away from the police boat, which was going straight.

  3. It’s sad to see but also kinda justified and on top of that it was kinda a accident made by the speedboat

  4. Migrant as an euphemism for drug smugglers? I saw these pursuits several times first hand, even saw of these boats coming to the beach and those mofos running like hell. I’m a João that lived in south Spain so I know. Hola, tapas muy bueno, si si.

  5. From the video its not clear (at least to me) if its intentional or an accident, which matters a lot in this.

    Until we have a reliable source confirming either I’ll file this next to the “Migrant did X be mad” sort of posts in the the ever growing pile of failed attempts of using half truths to manipulate me.

  6. What would they be joking?

    Because of climate change and a host of other major reasons border security will be the most serious issue for many countries soon enough.

  7. I can assure you immigrants won’t use a speedboat, they will be packed in a 5 square meters “boat” that somehow doesn’t sink and pray they arrive safely

  8. This is actually cathartic. I still remember not long ago when a couple of policemen getting run over by drug traffickers on speedboats INSIDE a Spanish port.

    My opinion is that we are too soft and we should be intercepting them with 50 cals and auto-cannons.

  9. Immigration (as a topic itself) aside, this is hopefully having consequences for the people that decided to run over the boat.

    Also… Where are the migrants even? I count two people, one of them has been catapulted off the boat. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not even be surprised if it was British tourists that wanted to try balconing but are afraid of heights.

  10. Well don.. I mean oh no thats should not be happening ! its a bad moral and ethical thing to do

  11. Stop spreading missinformation.

    1.- That people in the small motorboard are drug deallers.
    2.- The small motorboard took a risk doing an agressive turn towards the shore and because of that, the police ran over them.

  12. if you you’re coming into a country are told to stop and keep going you’re not a migrant, you’re an invader

  13. Anyone who won’t respect commands would fully deserve this and be happy not being shot..

  14. Skill issue.

    Considering the two officers that were killed and the wounded months ago I can imagine why they’re significantly more agressive with the smugglers.

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